Grade 11 Physics proble,?

Grade 11 Physics proble,?

King Knots has decided to buy a new crown, and has narrowed his choices down to 2 silver models: crown A has a mass of 1.7 kg and crown B has a mass of 1.8 kg. In avoidance of being betrayed by some scurrilous rogue of a vendor, named Hollywieck, King Knots devises a scheme to ensure the crowns are solid silver and not just silver coated.

First, King Knots takes both crowns and puts them in a boiling cauldron of water for 25 minutes. He records that the final temperature of the water is 99.5 0C. He then carefully removes the crowns and quickly places each of them in a different pail of water. Both pails are made of aluminum with a mass of 1.8 kg and both contain 2.5 L of water at a temperature of 20.0°C. The initial temperature of the aluminum is therefore also 20.0 0C.

After several minutes the temperature has stabilized so that the crown, aluminum pail, and water have all reached the same final temperature. The temperature of the water in the pail containing crown A is 24.3°C and the water containing crown B is at 22.9oC.
Using his trusty abacus King Knots quickly decides which [if any, or both] crown is made of solid silver and if Hollywieck is a scoundrel trying to sell him a fake silver crown. What is the composition of crown A and of crown B? And what will be the faith of Hollywieck?

Material Specific Heat Capacity [J/(kgoC]
Brass 380
Lead 130
Silver 240
Iron 450
Aluminum 920

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