Tutorhelpdesk Blog
Step-by-Step Residual Analysis in JMP for Statistics Assignment Help
Posted By Samuel 01-Sep-2024 17:05:00
Residual analysis is one of the most important steps while doing statistical modeling and especially in regression analysis. It includes checking the residuals, or errors that are the differences between the actual observed and predicted values in a dataset. They assist statisticians in knowing how well a model can account for the variations in data and whether the ...
Simplifying Financial Statement Analysis for Managerial Accounting Homework
Posted By Jeremy 25-Aug-2024 16:37:00
Financial statement analysis is an important part of managerial accounting as it provides valuable information on financial position and operational performance of an organization. It entails assessment of information from different financial statements including income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements to make key business decisions. For MBA student...
Implementing Cox Regression for Biostatistics Assignment Help in R
Posted By Samuel 16-Aug-2024 16:37:00
Cox regression or proportional hazards regression is the type of regression models commonly used in Biostatistics to analyse survival data. Using this technique, a researcher can analyze how the survival time of a subject is related to one or more predictor variables, which could either be continuous or categorical. Of all the models, the Cox proportional hazards mo...
ARCH vs GARCH: Comparative Analysis of Volatility Models in EViews Assignments
Posted By Jeremy 08-Aug-2024 23:37:00
Volatility modeling is a core component of the financial econometric analysis. It depicts the variance of returns and associated risks with financial assets. For research scholars who deal with the time-series data, EViews offers powerful tools to model and analyze volatility. Out of all the models included, it has been observed that ARCH and GARCH models are especi...