Probability math problem help

Probability math problem help

I have absolutely no idea. I've been working out this problem, and I feel like the way I worked it out is way to simple for a calc class, and most likely wrong. Thanks for any help in advance! (No one has to give me the answer. Simply point me in the right direction? Thanks!)

Determine the probability of hitting each ring and the bull’s-eye:

Target Piece Area of Piece Probability of Hitting this Area

(in cm2)

Bull’s Eye-----------16? ------------ [ ]

Ring 1-----------------48?

Ring 2-----------------80?

Ring 3-----------------112?

Ring 4-----------------144?

Ring 5-----------------176?

Ring 6-----------------208?

Ring 7-----------------240?

Ring 8----------------272?

Ring 9--------------- 304?

*The blanks beside the number in the (area of piece) row should be replaced by the symbol of pi.

Then. use the answer to determine the expected number of points one would receive after shooting a single arrow.

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