Financial Accounting Help. easy

Financial Accounting Help. easy

Just started my financial accounting course and i'm doing my HW but my book hasn't arrived so I need help.

Not trying to get my HW done for me- I really want to understand it. If you can explain it'd be appreciated if not, I can analyze your answer myself it's cool.

1. If a company pays rent, or pays their employees, or the owner takes money out for themselves- Would this decrease Assets AND Equity? (I grouped those all together because they seemed similar)

2. If I Invest 5k into my company does my Assets, Liabilities, and Equity stay the same? Because the cash just went straight back into the company as an investment?

This is my first week homework, so it's simple. No need to get into real depth just yet

Thanks [:

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3. basically Im confused in regards to if I take money out of my assets/revenue and spend it. This would also effect the amount of equity I have right? Are Assets basically the total I have after subtracting liabilities?

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