Java computer science question

Java computer science question

I'm doing a program that finds the shortest distance between two cities given different routes (through other cities: connections). I have a hashmap called shortestknowndistance. All I want to do is set d to the distance to the target city. What do I do?

Map<String, TreeSet<DistanceTo>> shortestKnownDistance = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<DistanceTo>>();

Scanner in = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("What is the starting city?");

String from =;

System.out.println("What is the finishing city?");

String target =;

DistanceTo startingPoint = new DistanceTo(from, 0);

PriorityQueue<DistanceTo> myQueue = new PriorityQueue<DistanceTo>();


while (myQueue.size() != 0) {


while (!shortestKnownDistance.containsKey(targ... {

//TreeSet<DistanceTo> d = ??????????

shortestKnownDistance.put(target, d);

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