International Public Law Homework!!...please help

International Public Law Homework!!...please help

I have four questions I need to answer, here is the assignment from my professor:

"I would like you to write a summary of essential LEGAL issues on the following subjects:

1. International organizations as subjects of International Law. Look particilary at the 1949 Advisory opinion of the International court of justice, entitled "Reparations for Injuries suffered in the service of the united nations." You should be able to find it on the UN site. I want you only speaking to the issue of their being subjects of International Law and no need to go into any information on what the UN is. Do not forget to explain what it means to be a "subject" of international law.

2. Individuals as first objects and then subjects of international law. Also, make sure you give examples of means in which the international community protects individuals--these are the human rights issues.

3. List and explain the different types of conflict resoultiuons on an international level- going from simple negotiations to the international court of justice. Dont forget to explain the jurisdiction of thie organ and also its 2 functions.

4.Explain why the tribunal of nuremberg was so important and is stil so important today. Describe the international criminal court- its jurisdiction- the notion that it is complementary to national courts- how does it function-who can petition it...

This seems like a lot of work, however, I do not want long papers I want only the essential points given.

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