I need some help with this computer science assignment; it concerns javascript?

I need some help with this computer science assignment; it concerns javascript?

The assignment is below:



Make a function which obtains user input and return it


Repeat the above step for 5 times with the function


Make a function which add all the numbers up from a

number n to n+10 (n is a number between 5 to 8).

Obtain n from use input. (Note: the returned value from

prompt() is String.

heres the code I have so far:

function my_add(b,a)


return (b+a)


var a = prompt("Please type your name","");

var b = "hello ";


var c = "The number after computation was";

var d = my_add(b,a);

var value = null;

while(value != "10")

value = prompt("Please type the number 1 in","");

if(value != "10");


value = value + "1"



if(value == "10");

alert("The computation has been completed");

function computation (a,b)


if(a<5 || a>8)

alert("cannot compute");


if(a>5 || a<8)





I need alot of help! fixing this, I dont really know what I'm doing

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