Examining Histograms and probability plots

Examining Histograms and probability plots

I have this homework for an engineering class that has a variety of multiple choice questions. Each question gives a picture of a histogram or probability plot.The five options for these questions are all as follows:

a) Data is right skewed

b) Data is left skewed

c) Data has long tails

d) Data has short tails

e) Data is normally distributed.

I've consulted my textbook and gone over lecture materials, but I can't find anything. This is not a statistics class and the only skills we have been taught were how to generate these graphs from data. I need to know how I can look at a graph like this and sort it into one of these categories. For example, on one of the histograms, the area of the boxes is 41 on one side and 39 on the other, yet there are more values than usual on the ends. Is it more prudent to say the data is skewed or that it has long tails.

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