Computer science homework help(Java)?

Computer science homework help(Java)?

Can someone help me with these questions for my computer science homework. I really don't understand them

The length of the array is

a. 0

b. the number of elements in the array

c. the index of the last element in the array

d. the size minus 1

Question 2

Which of the following declares an array that can store references to Card objects.

a. int [] cards;

b. Card[] cards;

c. double[] cards;

d. String[] cards;

Question 3

Which of the following will create an array capable of storing the addresses of 5 Card objects and store the address of the array in the variables myCards?

a. myCards = new Card[5];

b. myCards = new int[5];

c. myCards = new Card[4];

d. myCards = new int[4];

Question 4

Which of the following will call the toString method on an element in the array referenced by myCards?

a. myCards.toString()

b. myCards[0].toString

c. myCards[0].toString()

d. myCards.toString

Question 5

Given the following code, what will be stored in total when the code has completed execution?

int[] values = {2, 4, 6};

int total = 0;

for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++)

total = values[i];

a. 2

b. 10

c. 12

d. 6

Question 6

Which of the following will compare the value of the first Card in the array to the value 10?

a. if (cards[0].getValue() > 10)

b. if (cards[0] > 10)

c. if (cards > 10)

d. if (cards.getValue() > 10)

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