Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

If we use 2% of the toal land area of the 8 states, how much electrical energy could we generate per year?


Area of states total: 875857 mi^2

Density of power generation: .156 mii^2/MW

Capacity Factor: .3

Hours/year: 8760

So I think I do:

875857 *.02*.3*8760/.156 to get

295096435.4 MW/year

There is a section part to the question:

What percentage of the land area of the 8 states is needed to make 20% of the electricity needed (800TWh/year) if the US uses 4000TWh/year?

I'm not sure if I did the first part right and wanted to make sure before I started on the second part. Thanks for any help


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