What is the difference of 2CO--> 2C+O2 and carbon monoxide--> carbon + oxygen?

What is the difference of 2CO--> 2C+O2 and carbon monoxide--> carbon + oxygen?

In chemistry class, we are learning about balencing chemical equations. However, all the tutorials I see on youtube or online are Always using chemical formulas, like 2CO-->2C+O2 and BaCL2-->Ba+Cl2. BUT my teacher, different than all the explanation on the internet, uses these forms..( i dont know how to call them) she writes the questions like, Carbon Monoxide---> Carbon+Oxygen, or Barium chloride--> Barium+chlorine gas. Becuase of the way she writes, I dont know how many subscripts each formula should have, becuase for example, Carbon Monoxide---> Carbon+Oxygen, the answer is 2CO-->2C+O2, but i dont know HOW many subscripts there are in oxygen because in the qustions she just writes carbon + oxygen.
How do I know how many subsripts are there?

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