Chemistry Help determining an equilibrium constant Kc?

Chemistry Help determining an equilibrium constant Kc?

perform following calculation for test tube 1-4 i only need help on test tube 1 please
Given information: test tube 1
.00200 M Fe3+
.00200 M SCN-
test tube 1 is 5mL Fe3+ 2 mL of SCN- and 3.00 mL of water bringing the total volume to 10mL
.000200 M FeSCN2+ standard solution
absorbance was .145
temperture was 24 celcuis

1)calculate initial concentration of Fe3+ based on dilution of SCN- and water from the original .00200 M Fe3+
[Fe3+]=[mL of Fe3+/total ml]*.00200M
similarly calculate SCN- based on dilution by Fe3+ and water
2) determine the equilibrium concentration of FeSCN2+ using absorbance result since {FeSCN2+] and absorbance are directly proportional the concentration of FeSCN2+ can be found by
[FeSCN2+]equil= (A equil /A stadard)* [FeSCN2+]
4) calculate the Fe3+ at equilibrium since each mole of FeSCN2+ produced one mole of Fe3+ ions will be used up so
[Fe3+] equil=[Fe3+]initial - [FeSCN2+]equil
now similarly use the stoichiometry to calculate the concentration of SCN- at equilibrium

the help is greatly appreciate once i see i will understand thank you

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