Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators (-), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), "E" or "e" (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker.
Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where "a" and "b" need to have explicitly stated values.
For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not.

Recall, the graph of moles sodium hydrogen carbonate versus moles sulfuric acid produced a linear graph with the equation y = 2x -2E-17. The molar mass of sodium hydrogen carbonate is 84.01. and the molar mass of sulfuric acid is 98.09.

The mass of sulfuric acid required to react with 1.75 g sodium hydrogen carbonate is .

Report the mass as a number to the appropriate number of significant figures in grams, and do NOT include units.

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