I really need help!

1. Describe how to transform the quantity of the sixth root of x to the fifth power, to the seventh power into an expression with a rational exponent. Make sure you respond with complete sentences.

2. Solve the equation the square root of the quantity x minus 6 plus 2 equals 6 for the variable. Show each step of your solution process

3. Given the expression 3x2y + 4xy + 1 ? 5x4y ? 6y, do the following as instructed below:

A: Write the polynomial in descending order.
B: Classify the polynomial by the number of terms.
C: State the degree of the polynomial.

4. Let f(x) = 3x2 ? x + 2 and g(x) = 5x2 ? 1. Find f(g(x)). Show each step of your work.

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