Need help with bio test study questions?

Need help with bio test study questions?

1. Introduction – Glycolysis, Breakdown of Pyruvate, and Citric Acid Cycle (CAC)
a-Describe and give the locations of the metabolic pathways that are needed to break down glucose to CO2.
b-Outline the three phases of glycolysis and the net products.
c-Describe glycolysis, including the molecules that exist at its start/end, and # ATP produced.
d-Describe how an acetyl group enters the CAC and identify the net products of the CAC.

2. Oxidative Phosphorylation
a-Describe how the electron transport chain produces an H+ electrochemical gradient.
b-Explain how ATP synthase utilizes the H+ electrochemical gradient to synthesize ATP.

3. Cell Respiration Miscellaneous Issues including anaerobic respiration
a-Explain, in general terms, how carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism are interconnected.
b-Discuss how some cells can use fermentation to synthesize ATP under anaerobic conditions.
c-Explain, in general terms, how some microorganisms make ATP using a final electron acceptor that is not oxygen.
d-Discuss the preference of cancer cells for glycolysis and why this is significant

Chapter 8 – Photosynthesis

1. Overview of Photosynthesis
a-Outline the inputs and outputs from the general reaction for photosynthesis
b-Compare and contrast the two phases of photosynthesis: the “light” and “dark” reactions

2. Light Reactions (“Photo-”)
a-Discuss why pigments and their absorption spectrums are important to photosynthesis

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