Help with hard physics problem?

Help with hard physics problem?

When toads land, all of their kinetic energy is dissipated as thermal energy in their muscles. They start from scratch on the next jump. The metabolic efficiency of a toad is about the same as that of a human, 25 percent. For a broad range of conditions, the hops are all the same distance. A 0.030 kg Fowler’s toad leaves the ground at 1.1 m/s, travels a horizontal distance of about 0.12 m per hop, land, then rests up for the next hop. Moving at a faster average speed just means hopping more often. To achieve an average forward speed of 0.06 m/s, the toad hops once every 2 seconds; doubling the average forward speed to 0.12 m/s means taking one hop every 1 second.

1. Describe the energy transformations for one hop of a toad from the instant before the toad extends its legs to leave the ground until the instant it has landed and is at rest.

2. Calculate the metabolic energy required for one hop.

3. For a toad traveling at an average forward speed of 0.06 m/s, and thus taking one hop every 2 seconds, compute the metabolic power and the metabolic power per kg.

4. For a toad traveling at an average forward speed of 0.12 m/s, and thus taking one hop every 1 second, compute the metabolic power and the metabolic power per kg.

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