Pick the correct graph?

Pick the correct graph?

Compare the graph y=f(x) to y=x^2
where f(x)=1/3(x+5)^2+2 and if you sketched y=f(x) and y=x^2 in the same plane:

A.) The graph of y=f(x) is the graph of y=x^2 shifted left 5 units and up 2 units. The graph of y=f(x) is also wider than y=x^2.

B.) The graph of y=f(x) is the graph of y=x^2 shifted right 5 units and up 2 units. The graph of y=f(x) is also wider than y=x^2.

C.) The graph of y=f(x) is the graph of y=x^2 shifted left 5 units and up 2 units. The graph of y=f(x) is also wider than y=x^2.

D.) TThe graph of y=f(x) is the graph of y=x^2 shifted left 5 units and up 2 units. The graph of y=f(x) is also narrower than y=x^2.

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