Chemistry follow up question?

Chemistry follow up question?

I just got help from a user named "Ricki, thank you to that person, whoever they are. I would like to see if I'm in the right direction. My next question asks me 

"what is the molar mass of aluminum ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate? Use the periodic table" they give me NH4Al(SO4)2•12H2O 

Formula: molar mass of one mole of atoms x # of moles of atoms = total molar mass per element 

N: ___ • ___ = 
H: ___• ___ = 
Al: ___• ___ = 
S:___• ___ = 
O:___ • ___ = 

Would I just calculate the number of chemical species within each element by the molar mass? For instance, for N would I do 1•14.00674, for H: 28•1.00794 and so on?

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