ORGANIC CHEM HELP: Products of Elimination and Substitution Reactions?

ORGANIC CHEM HELP: Products of Elimination and Substitution Reactions?

Hello! Need help with knowing major and minor products for 4 reactions: 

1) 1-bromopentane and potassium tertbutoxide. 

2) 1-bromopentane and sodium ethoxide. 

3) 2-bromopentane and potassium tertbutoxide. 

4) 2-bromopentane and sodium ethoxide. 

For 1, I know it will undergo E2 and I think SN1 due to the bulky base and it is also a primary alkyl halide. Also, 2 and 4 would result in Zaitsev products while 1 and 3 would be nonZaitsev. 

How do I know how many products are made for each reaction, which products are major and minor products, and also, do any of these reactions undergo E1cB? 
A detailed explanation would be very useful as I am having great difficulty with understanding this.. I am sometimes wrong about if it will undergo elimination (E1, E2 OR E1CB) or substitution(SN1 OR SN2) and which are major products. Also, any helpful things to look for when determining if it will undergo substitution or elimination would be great - like how did you find your answer for these 4 reactions? 

Thanks in advance!!

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