Do human clones have souls? help urgent!

Do human clones have souls? help urgent!

This is a question I have been thinking about for some time now , would a human clone have a soul? 

Here is a qoute from the Human Cloning 

"The first cloned human embryo" 

"Advanced Cell Technologies (ACT) has reported the successful cloning of a human embryo by removing DNA from the skin of a man's leg and inserting it into a cow's egg, which previously had its nucleus removed.  The announced cloning took place in November 1998, although ACT may have performed the same experiment years before.  Researchers allowed the cloned embryo to develop for 12 days before halting the experiment.  Several more clonings have reportedly been done with the goal of harvesting stem cells from embryos.  Stem cells are found inside embryos during the first two weeks of their development and have the potential to develop into any kind of cell in the human body" 

So the nucleus of the female egg is removed and replaced with somatic body cells of a person which contains hisand#92;her DNA...... 

Let's take it another step further , let's say these clones are grown in artificial wombs , in glass containers or in some cloning chambers? 

Would you say that those clones would have a soul? 

And that they would go to heaven or hell? 

Think about it...

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