Biology fill in the blank , help?

Biology fill in the blank , help?

1)______ is the energy used by cells for work. It is produced within the __(organelle)___ and is made through the process of ___(2 words)___. 
2)The ___(organelle)__ regulates the passage of material in and out of the cell. Passive transport moves materials across membranes from an area of ______ concentration to an area of ______ concentration. Active transport requires the use of _____ and moves materials ______ the concentration gradient. 
3)Plants absorb energy by capturing sunlight in __(organelle)__ and use this energy to make food by the process of _______. The pigment that captures sunlight and is green in color is ______. 
4)Energy is released by the food organisms consume through the process of ____(2 words)___. During this process oxygen is consumed and ___(2 words)___ is produced and released into the atmosphere. 
5)As a cell grows it eventually becomes too big to sustain itself and therefore must divide. _____ is a process that maintains the chromosome number as the parent cell. This type of division is used for cell growth, repair, and replacement. 
6)_____ occurs in the gamete cells of an organism and reduces the number of chromosome from the parent cell by one-half. 
7)Diversity & variation within a species is the result of __(2 words)__ that occur during crossing over in meiosis. 
8) The outcome of meiosis is a genetically _________individual then the parents which accounts for genetic ___________ in our species.

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