(Chemistry) Qualitative Analysis Tests Doubt! URGENT!?

(Chemistry) Qualitative Analysis Tests Doubt! URGENT!?

A solution (to be tested) has multiple anions and cations, say solution X has 2 anions and 2 cations. 
And we take small separate amounts of FB6 to test for the 4 ions. 
What I don't understand is, won't the result of one ion affect the other (since the reagent used, NaOH/NH3aq, causes positive result for all the ions)? 
For example :- 
Solution X has Zn2+ and NH4+ 
With NaOH, (Zn2+) gives white precipitate 
With NaOH, (NH4+) gives no precipiate 
What exactly would I observe when I add NaOH to Solution X? 

Thanks! :)

Update: Ooops! Sorry i mean Solution X NOT FB6 in the 2nd line

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