Trigonometric Project HELP?

Trigonometric Project HELP?

So basically I got my data and figured amplitude is .475 
period is 365 
phase shift is 352 
vertical shift is .625 
now I have to come up with a cos or sin equation I've tried both but none match my data. what am I doing wrong and whats the correct function. this is my data. I suppose to make a function and predict another year value for a different date. the first table is x. I did high tides on the 1st and 18th days of the months and the x values are number of day out of the 365. you values is time tide occured. the teacher said to add both min and hour and divide by 60 to get time in only hours. Is my amplitude and everything correct. I wasn't sure on the phase shift and how do i predict the time for day 353. when i plug 353 into t I get a number no where near what I should and i doin't have a calculator thats for parametic equations. This is my 2nd time asking and my data is on my last question asked

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