I want to find out the resulting concentration of an Mn(2+) standard solution?

I want to find out the resulting concentration of an Mn(2+) standard solution?

I want to find out the resulting concentration of an Mn(2+) standard solution (Measuring Manganese with Spectrophotometry lab) 
original: concentration of Mn(2+) stock solution: 0.3 mg/ml, Volume: 5mL 

1) 30ml of deionized water added to 5ml stock solution. 

2) 10ml of 9M Phosphoric Acid added 

3) 0.03g of KIO4 added and stirred to dissolve 

4) Boil until solution stops changing color (purple) 

5) cool and move to 100-ml volumetric flask. add deoionized water up to index mark. 

Those are the instructions given by the professor (condensed) but I have no idea how to calculate the concentration of the resulting solution. The formula for all this is: 

2 Mn^(2+) + 5 KIO4 + 3 H20 = 2 MnO4^(-1) + 5 KIO3 + 6 H^(+) 

I can attach the full instructions list later if more info necessary. Please help try to understand this. 

Thank you

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