Math Calculus Help?

Math Calculus Help?

Solve each of the following, making sure to explain your work as needed. In particular, 
writing out brief explanations of your process for questions 2 and 3 is suggested. 

1. Use log and power properties to answer the following. 
(a) Express 2^(x2+1) as base e, and base 10. 

(b) Simplify the following into a polynomial: 

(c) Rewrite as a single natural logarithm expression (i.e. rewrite as log base e and 
log8(x^2 + 1)^3 + log4(9x^2) 

2. What values of x satisfy: 
(81^(2x))(3^(x+4)) / (27^x)(9^(x2))(3^−4)= 1 

3. What values of x satisfy: 
ln(ln(e^(x2−1))) = 0 

Can someone help me solve this for mid term help. Thank you so much.

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