Please help me with this math problem using slopes.?

Please help me with this math problem using slopes.?

An elementary school is taking a busload of children to a science fair. It costs $130.00 to drive the bus to the fair and back, and the school pays each student's $4.00 admission fee. 

(a) Use a formula to express the total cost C, in dollars, of the science fair trip as a linear function of the number n of children who make the trip. 
C = 

(b) Identify the slope and initial value of C. 
initial value

Explain in practical terms what these values mean. 
The slope indicates that for each additional child we take on the trip the total cost increases by 
. The initial value is 
, and it is the cost of taking the bus itself to the fair. 

(c) Explain in practical terms what C(7) means. 
C(7) represents the (in dollars) of the science fair trip if 7 children make the trip. 

Calculate C(7). 

(d) Solve the equation C(n) = 154 for n. 
n = 

Explain what the answer you get represents. 
The solution of the equation 4n + 130 = 154 is the number of students we can take if there is $ 
to spend.

Posted Answers:

a) C = 130+4x 
b) i) Slope = 4, 
ii) C(0) = 130 
iii) $4 
iv) $130 
c) Total cost of taking 7 children 
c(7) = $158 
d) 154 = 130+4n 
n = 6 children 
6 children can be taken if there is $154 to spend