Difference Crystalline And Amorphous Solids

Difference Crystalline And Amorphous Solids Assignment Help | Difference Crystalline And Amorphous Solids Homework Help

Difference Crystalline and Amorphous Solids

(i)    A arrangement of particles.

In a crystalline solid, the constituent particles are arranged in a definite geometric pattern whereas in an amorphous solid, they are not arranged in any regular fashion.

(ii)    Melting points.

The crystalline substances possess sharp melting points whereas the amorphous substances melt gradually over a temperature range.

(iii)    Isotropy and Anisotropy.

 In case f amorphous substances, properties like electrical conductivity, refractive index, thermal expansion etc. are identical in all directions just like in case of gases or liquids. This property is called isotropy and the substances showing this property are called isotropic. On the other hand, in case of crystalline substances, the properties mentioned above have different values in different directions.

This type of behavior is called anisotropy and the substances exhibiting this type of behavior are called anisotropic. Thus whereas amorphous substances’ are isotropic in nature, the crystalline substances are anisotropic. The anisotropy exhibited by stances is obviously due to the fact that in making measurements in differ directions, different types of particles fall on the way , as shown in Fig.

Anisotropy exhibited by
Crystalline substances.

(iv)Regular and irregular cut.

A crystalline solid on being cut with a sharp-edged knife gives a clean cleavage whereas an amorphous solid undergoes an irregular breaking as shown in Fig.

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