Goals Of Srs Document
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Goals of SRS Document
SRS has a specific role to play in the software development process therefore a well-designed, well-written SRS document accomplishes the following objectives:
1. Problem Breakdown
The SRS document divides the problem into component parts. The simple act of writing down software requirements in a well-designed format organizes information. places borders around the problem, solidifies ideas, and help breakdown the problem into its component parts in a orderly fashion.
2. Input to Design Specification
The SRS serves as the parent document subsequent documents such as the software design specification and statement of work. Hence the SRS should contain sufficient delis in the functional system requirements so that a design solution should be made.
3. Feedback to Customers
The SRS acts as a contract between eh customer and the development organization. it is the customers assurance that the development organization understand the issuers or problems to be solved and the software will be able to solve those problems. Hence the SRS should be written in a natural language, in an unambiguous manager that may also include charts, data flow diagrams, decision tables etc.
4. Production Validation Check
The SRS acts as the parent document for testing and validation strategies that will be applied to the requirements for verifications
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