Carey Foster Bridge
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Carey Foster Bridge
Description. The Carey Foster Bridge is a form of Wheat stone’s bridge. It consists of a uniform write AB of length 1 meter stretched on a wooden board.Two equal resistances P and Q are connected in gaps 2 and 3. The unknown resistance R is connected in gap 1. A standard resistance S, of the same order of resistance as R, is connected in gap 4. A Leclanche cell is connected across MN. A galvanometer G is connecting between the terminal C and a sliding contact maker D.

Theory. The contact maker is moved until the bridge is balanced. Let I1 be the balancing length as measured from end A. Let α and β be the end resistances at A and B. Let ρ be the resistance per unit length of the wire,
From the principle of Wheat stone’s bridge,
P/Q = R + α + l1ρ /S + β + (100 = l1) ρ
The resistances R and S are interchanged and the bridge is again balanced. The balancing length l2 is determined from the same end A. Then, P/Q = S + α + l2ρ /R + β + (100 = l2) ρ _____________... (2)
From Eqns. (1) and (2),
R + α + l1ρ /S + β + (100 – l1) ρ = S + α + l2ρ /R + β + (100 – l2) ρ _______________________ ... (3)
Adding 1 to both sides of Eq. (3),
R + α + l1ρ + S + β + 100ρ – l1ρ /S + β + (100 – l1) ρ = R+S + α + β + 100ρ – l2ρ /R + β + (100 – l2)ρ
. : R + S + α + β + 100ρ /S + β + (100 – l1) ρ = R + S + α + β + 100ρ /R + β + (100 – l2) ρ
Since the numerators are equal, the denominators must be equal.
. : S + β + 100ρ = l1ρ = R + β + 100ρ – l2ρ ________________________________________ … (4)
Or S – l1ρ = R – l2ρ
R = S + ρ (l2 – l1)________________________________________________________… (5)

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