Field Strength Due To A Solenoid
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Field Strength Due To A Solenoid
Let us consider a solenoid of radius a metres and length l metres having N turns.Consider an element of very small length dx, then turns on this small element will be Ndx .
Therefore field strength at the centre of the solenoid due to small element dx, which may be considered as a coil having Ndx turns, is given by
dH = 1a2 X Ndx = NI . a2 dx
2r3 l 2l r3
and From cot θ = x/a
Differentiating both sides we get
-cosec2 θ dθ = dx
or dx = -a cosec2 θ dθ = -adθ
a2 dx = a2 x 1x dx = sin2 θ x 1 x -adθ = -sin θ dθ sin θ = a
r2 r2 a a sin2θ r
Substituting a2 dx = - sin θ dθ in expression (i) we get
dH = NI . (sin θ ) dθ = -NI sin θ dθ
2l 2l
Integrating both sides we get

If the solenoid is very long, ∝ is approximately equal to zero and ß is approximately equal to π and, therefore, ∝ = 1
Hence field intensity, H = NI [1-(-1)] = NI AT/m.
2l l
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