Force Exerted By Jet Inclined To Vane

Force Exerted By Jet Inclined To Vane Assignment Help | Force Exerted By Jet Inclined To Vane Homework Help

Force Exerted by Jet Inclined to Vane

When a jet is impinging on a flat stationary plate at an angel as shown in exerted by it is calculated by

Force = rate of change of momentum

= mass of water x (change in velocity in the original direction)

= ρ a v (v – 0)

F = ρ a v2

Where θ is the inclination of jet with the vane.

Force exerted in the direction normal to the plate.

F = ρ a v2 x sin θ

Force exerted by jet in the direction of flow

Fx = F sin θ = ( ρ a v2 sin θ) sin θ

Fx = ρ a v2 sin2 θ

Force exerted by jet in the direction normal to the flow.

Fy = F cos θ = ( ρ a v2 sin θ ) cos θ

Fy = ρ a v2 sin θ cos θ

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