Loss Of Energy Due To Sudden Contraction

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Loss of Energy due to Sudden Contraction

Consider two section 1-1 and 2-2 before and after the contraction for a horizontal pipe.

Let, V1 = velocity of flow at 1-1
        A1 = cross-sectional area at 1-1
        V2 = velocity of flow at 2-2
        A2 = cross-sectional area at 2-2
        Vc = velocity of flow at vena-contract
        Ac = cross-sectional area at 3-3
        hc = loss of head due sudden contraction.

The loss of head occurring between section 1 to section 3 is appreciable. The major loss occurs when the jet of liquid enlarges from section 3 to section 2 i.e. mainly due to enlargement between section 3 to section 2.

From Equation, head loss is given by,

hc = (Vc – V2)2 / 2g

= V22/2g [ Vc/V2 – 1]2

According to the continuity equation,

Ac Vc = A2 V2

Vc / V2 = A2/Ac

Vc / v2 = 1/Cc

Putting the value Vc/V2 in Equation

hc = V22 / 2g [1/Cc – 1]

If the value of Cc = 0.62 (Assume) then,

hc = V22 / 2g [1/0.62 -1]

hc = 0.375 V22 / 2g

If the value of Cc is not given, then

hc = 0.5 V22 / 2g

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