Job Analysis
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Job Analysis
Job analysis is pre-requisite to manpower planning. It helps to understand the nature of jobs. The management should be clear about the kinds of jobs performed in the organization and the kind of people to selected, trained, compensated and placed at those jobs. Job analysis means to analyze the requirement of the job and match it with the requirement of the person who will work on that job. Job analysis is “identification of the specific activities performed in a job and the characteristics of the person, the work situation, and the materials or equipment necessary for performing the job effectively.”It is the “ systematic collection and recoding of information concerning the purpose of a hob, its major duties, the conditions under which it is performed, the contact with others that performance of the job requires, and the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for performing the job effectively.”
Why job analysis
Job analysis helps to achieve the following purposes:1. It provides information about what work is to be performed on a job.
2. It helps in knowing the types of people to be placed (manpower requirement) on respective jobs.
3. It helps in placing the right person at the right job.
4. It helps in training and developing the employees by making them skilled and competent to perform the specific job.
5. It helps in modifying the nature of jobs, if need be.
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