Need For Training
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Need for Training
The need for training arises when the employees are not fully aware of the technicalities of the job and have to be imparted the knowledge and skill to perform them. This is done by carrying out a need analysis. According to Kenneth N. Wesley and Gary p. Lathman, need analysis is “an assessment of and organization’s training needs that is developed by considering overall organizational requirements, tasks associated with jobs for which training is needed, and the degree to which individuals are able to perform those tasks effectively.” It, thus, identifies the job requirements, training needs and standards against which performance of employees is measured.Training is needed for the following reasons:
1. It improves knowledge and skills of a person to perform his job efficiently.
2. It helps employees settle quickly in the organization. It helps them know the company’s structure, culture, rules, policies etc. so that they can blend their personality with that of the company.
3. It updates the knowledge and skills of employees. Today, technology is changing at a fast rate. Organization is automating their systems to keep pace with changing technology. Training helps employees learn new skills to work with new technology. Learning of computers, for example, became necessary when computers replaced typewriter.
4. It helps in promoting employees to higher posts. Training prepares people to hold higher positions by pri-identifying them and increasing their skill sot performer then when the opportunity arises.
5. It enables employees to learn skills of higher posts when they are promoted. It increases their skill and prepares them to assume jobs of higher level.
6. It identifies the needs of individuals to understand the job requirements and learn the skills and knowledge to perform them.
7. It matches job description (sills required to perform a job) with job specification (skills possessed by employees to perform the job) by making employees fit for the jobs
8. It reduces the rate of labor turnover and absenteeism by keeping peroplesatisfied on the job.
9. It enables employees increase their knowledge about jobs in different function areas (production, marketing, finance and personnel) and, thus, promotes movement of employees from one job to the other.
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