Electric Field Due To Electric

Electric Field Due To Electric Assignment Help | Electric Field Due To Electric Homework Help

Electric Field due to an Electric Dipole at any point

Consider a point R having polar R having polar coordinates r and θ. O is the centre vector p into two components, one parallel and the other perpendicular to OR. The point R is on the axis of a dipole of moment p cos θ and on the equatorial line of a dipole of moment p sin θ and on the equatorial line of a dipole of moment p sin θ.

Field due to the component p cos θ } E1 =    2p cos θ
                   __________________________4π ε0 r3

Field due to the component p sin θ } E2 =    p sin θ
                    _________________________4π ε0 r3

. : Magnitude of the resultant field

E = √E21 + E22 =     ___p___ √ (4 cos2 θ + sin2 θ)
        _____________4π ε0 r3

= ___p___ √ 1 + 3 cos2 θ
    4π ε0 r3

The resultant field E makes an angle Ф with OR.

tan Ф =     p sin θ / (4π ε0 r3) = ½ tan θ
    _____2p cos θ / (4π ε0 r3)

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